Online Forms for the Cloud Will Save You Time and Money
Have you ever grumbled about the time it takes to enter a new patient (aka client) into your software? For Cloud customers, deliverance from the tedium of manual data entry has arrived! Our new Online Forms are built right into ClientTracker, and allow your patients to access and fill them out completely online! This can be done using any device that has an Internet browser. Basically, the patient fills out her demographic info, and possibly insurance information too. Then you review it from your ClientTracker, and with a click of a button, the records are set up and ready to use!
- Again, Online Forms are available in ClientTracker Cloud ONLY
Other Great Features Coming In Version 5.2 (Cloud and Desktop Versions)
Oh boy, do we have some goodies for you! Remember, this is an example of a FREE update, where we are providing enormous value in return for keeping your subscription current!
- Text Message Appointment RemindersWorks just like an email, and sends a text to patients who provide you with their text address
- Insurance Verification WorksheetA place to keep track of coverage details like visit and dollar caps, paid codes, etc.
- Bar Code Scanning supportUse your own bar code scanner to quickly add products to an invoice
- Pain Scale (or other measurement) before & after treatment
Ask "How would you rate your pain on a scale from 1-10"? and track the results! - Appointment Time In & Out to display and trackSee who is "in" and "Out" and how long their appointments took
- “My Resources” list and detailsList any resources that help you in your business, from janitors to mentors
- Faster navigation for customers with large data sets (especially invoices)
- Same-day appointment confirmation email now supported
- Online Schedule Viewer - for your existing app of choice (see below)
ClientTracker Now Helps You Access Your Online Scheduler Of Choice
Some of you may have read about our efforts to develop an online scheduler that will "sync" with ClientTracker. In the unpredictable world of software development, this went all the way to beta testing (for our Cloud version only), and we decided we could never develop all the features our customers want at a reasonable cost. There are lots of existing online schedule programs (some of them free), and many have wonderful features, and some of our customers already use and love them, so how could we make all of these work with ClientTracker?
- As often happens, the answer was quite simple. And it works for BOTH Cloud or Desktop!
- It takes less than a minute to make an appointment in ClientTracker, and less than 20 seconds for an experienced user!
- Making an appointment when patients arrive is an excellent way to show they are actually in the clinic, and ready to be seen.
- From the ClientTracker appointment, you can copy the previous SOAP, fill out invoices and the 1500 form automatically, and other incredible time-saving features
- You can have all the features and convenience of your favorite online scheduler working systematically with ClientTracker!
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