We are getting some Frequently Asked Questions, and will address them here for all to see:
Q: Why is there an annual "subscription"?
ClientTracker is software that helps you keep up-to-date with changes in technology and the healthcare system. The annual subscription helps us to keep the software current for you! Like you, we have ongoing expenses to stay in business. Your subscription dollars go to keep the software current, and to pay our support and technical representatives to be there for you when you need them. We operate with very low overhead to keep costs down for our customers.
Q: Didn't I purchase the software already for a one-time fee?
Yes, and we thank you! When you first purchased ClientTracker, or paid for an upgrade, you were paying for all the thousands of hours of work that has gone into making this the best software for an acupuncture or similar practice over the years (more than11 years now). The perception persists for some who believe they should pay only once for software, and just use it the way it is. We believe this is a risky decision in the healthcare field, where things change all the time.
Technology and healthcare requirements are changing weekly; almost daily now. If you are a medical practitioner, you are responsible for the protection of your patients' private data in this fluctuating environment. What's more, you need to be on top of the many changes in technology and healthcare whether or not you take insurance.
- Being in the most current version of the software you choose to run a medical practice is not only sensible; it's the most responsible thing you can do for your patients!
The optional annual subscription helps to pay for necessary ClientTracker improvements on an ongoing basis. We constantly get requests for new features, enhancements, and functionality that are frankly very expensive to make a reality in today's market. Paying techs and software developers to program these changes for you is very costly! Those who are serious about their electronic healthcare records responsibilities are cooperating to fund the software improvements that did not exist - or weren't even needed - when they first purchased.
This is very much like an organic farm cooperative. Members pay for the seeds and other expenses, and the farmers do all the work to bring in the crops, while lending their considerable knowledge and expertise to benefit the entire cooperative. And all the members share in the bounty of harvest!
Q: What do I get for my annual subscription?
First, you get our gratitude! We can't do this without your contributions! Thank you so much!
You also get free email and phone support when you need it, including technical aspects of the program - like backups and installation.
Plus, you get all the new updates and features as they are developed! We have some exciting developments planned in 2015, but need your help to achieve them. We ask everyone who uses our software to join us in a cooperative approach to making ClientTracker even better! An annual subscription costs less than $1 per day, and you'll have the peace of mind of knowing you have participated in making all these benefits available to you, and others in the holistic healthcare community.
We are on a mission to bring acupuncture and other so-called"alternative" treatments to more and more patients throughout North America. Won't you join us?
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